Thank you so much for featuring me among so much great interpretations of your prompt! I had so much fun with those three minute creating that piece. I did actually use two characters whose story is kind of the back burner right now because I can't figure out all the pieces and I'm working on something else so one day there will be more (although I can't guarantee the flamingo costume stays the same!)

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Oh, the flamingo costume has to stay! I think the fact they came to visit you during this challenge is a sign that they’ll be waiting for you when the time comes to write their story 🙂

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Thank you so much. I feel honored to be featured amongst so many wonderful pieces. Can't wait for the next prompt!

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Excellent! I’m going to add another optional tier to the challenge next year for those who want to flex their craft muscles. I’m revisiting my shelf of books on writing over the holidays for inspiration - excited!

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I love it! So fun and stress free.

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Oh thank you so so much for including my words! And absolutely loved all of the other pieces, especially Kirsten’s! Had me gripped and wanting more! Excited for how things will evolve in January and a monthly challenge feels perfect. Thank you for your robe and efforts... wishing you a peaceful break and I’m very much feeling that vibe of ideas and desire to create a few last things before the year closes AND having so little in the tank that the energy just isn’t there! Paradox of course! Xx

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Yes, the end of the year always feels like a paradox! I’m so looking forward to writing in the new year. I’ll be editing my current novel draft but also starting something new, which feels good!

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Abigail Mann

Just left puppy classes with the loveliest news! Aw cheers Abi, glad you liked it 😊 me and tryfan are celebrating 🐶

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Yay, I hope Tryfan gave you a huge lick to say congratulations!

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