For real, why is it that the moment the baby/toddler is asleep or elsewhere, I’m scrolling through photos/videos of her from earlier that day 😭 I really enjoyed reading this 💖

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Thanks so much! God, I don’t know, but I can’t help it either. It’s like I’ve been waiting for a minute to have a few minutes of time to myself, in a different room, and then when I do I spend it feeling like my right hand has been cut off!

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Dropping in mid-read just to share this, as the Italian mama of a pesto-loving 2yo girl:

1. batch-making your homemade pesto is actually easier than you think and it freezes like a queen (yes, it's ok to curse me and wonder what planet I just landed from)

2. wow, you actually kept on reading! now, if you do choose to make your on pesto, you can swap pine nuts for almonds: cheaper, nutty and slightly sweet (just blitz extra because they are a little harder in texture compared to pinenuts)

3. for pro money-saving in your impromptu culinary adventure, you can also swap "parmigiano reggiano" for "grana padano" (just a few cents, but you know..."take care of the pennies"): flavour-wise they are literally the same thing, they only come from different regions of Italy.

Hope this helps either now or when (if??) the time will be ripe for it.

Going back to reading and big nod to yearning for a break and then literally rewatching on repeat videos of them while they sleep. Thank God, I'm normal then!

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