Oh my gosh I am so happy this wasn’t just me! I mean I’m not happy... it’s awful... but when I was studying my Undergrad in Creative Writing I was always marked down for my rom-com fiction. No one got it. It was always too cliched. And then my final tutor used to be a book reviewer for the Guardian and had reviewed Katie Fford’s first ever novel in the 90s and he finally got it! Was amazing but for years it was such a struggle. Luckily my MA was a lot better and they really encouraged me to write the novel I’m working on now. Sorry... long comment haha but just to say I feel seen ❤️ Signing up to your newsletter is the best thing I’ve done for my novel and I’d love some mentoring!

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Yes, yes, yes! It seems super common that writing at university was all about being ‘literary’ and not ‘how to become a professional author,’ but I’m so happy your final tutor got it! Especially when rom-com / romance is the biggest selling genre after crime, if I remember correctly. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the newsletter and keep an eye out for a post about mentoring soon 🙂

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I really enjoyed this. I totally agree about the motherhood narrative, especially with this new thread that talks about it being sacred (agree) but fails to mention that sometimes it’s s***ty (literally). Also excited for your spreadsheets and freelance adventures!

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