Leaning in but feeling more and more sick about our Substack book. It’s impossible to write the bible of Substack but we have written a very helpful book I just hope it’s seen that way. Sorry about your experience! I’ve just written the community guidelines for the summit - “we must always be kind”

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You’ve done your job, what people take from it isn’t in your control. I have no doubt that it is absolutely excellent but it is literally impossible to please everyone. I think community guidelines are such a good idea to lead with. I really rate the London Writer’s Salon for their community guidelines and ethos to writing community - their writer’s hours are golden!

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Aw thanks Pal! I’m guesting with them at the end of the month - excited!

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Kindness is everything 💖

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You’re so right

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It really is Sue! I hope you’re ok. ✨🌻

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Yes, I'm fine thanks. 😀

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I’m the same, I only leave 5 star reviews, I know how hard it is, how harsh it can feel. We need to be supportive.

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Absolutely, the alternative won’t raise anyone’s profile or readership, I’m sure.

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Love this : “you value your profile as a reader more than you see yourself as a writer.”💯

Such a worthy read and reminder that we are all colleagues here. I love that.

If/when a fellow writer slates our work, it is always a projection of their own criticism and judgement of self. What they believe to be true of another is ultimately what they believe to be true of themselves.

Or as my mum always did say (and though I never could see it myself) “when someone is mean to you, it is always because they are jealous”.

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I love your thoughts, Amber! I do find it’s usually a projection of the concerns they might have for their own work.

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This is why I only leave starred reviews—no comments underneath. (Maybe even that is too harsh, but I use something other than Goodreads, so hopefully that lessens the blow.) Even if I sometimes want to discuss a book's shortcomings with other readers, I can't stand the idea of punching a fellow writer in the gut like that. I can keep those thoughts to myself.

(Also, I love your gold star stickers!)

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Thanks Adrianna, they remind me of the gold stars we were given at school and I feel like giving them to myself now! And I totally agree - I really like keeping a personal record of books I’ve read so I use Storygraph and have a private account that is in no way identifiable to me, but even then I only leave 5 stars or nothing and like you, rarely leave an actual review. If it’s social media, I’ll wax lyrical about the book.

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I had a fellow writer slag me off here on Substack! The very cheek of it!!

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What?! I’m shocked! Don’t tell me they tagged you 🤦🏻‍♀️

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No, they guest blogged on someone else's Substack....didn't name me directly but it obvious who they were talking about.

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Yep! Even had the audacity to mention my dying mother!

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😲 take it as a back handed compliment. Maybe it’s an upside down one🙃 I don’t know how but I feel sure there’s one in there😆

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Reckon your mam was right. Or maybe he is just a wassock!

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Aug 20Liked by Abigail Mann

I don't have a book out in the world yet, but I think a lot about this review/ Goodreads issue for when I (hopefully) do. I was one of those voracious reading children, and have kept my Goodreads for YEARS and I do not want to lose what I have there. I love tracking what I want to read, and what I have read. Now that I am writing I have stopped starring reviews and if I didn't like it I will just mark it as read, but I am hoping I can keep a Goodreads profile as a reader that is NOT linked to my writer profile. Anyone know if this is possible? Or if going on Goodreads is a terrible idea for an author no matter what and I should, IDK, make a spreadsheet. Find another tracking site?

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You can definitely have unlinked Goodreads accounts, for example one for your reading and another linked to a different email account that would become your ‘author’ Goodreads account. I should have done this in hindsight. The problem is it’s very tempting to have a ‘quick look’ at your book and come across all the reviews and thoughts, good and bad. I have a Storygraph account to track my reading now which I LOVE - it does statistical breakdowns of everything you read. Also, you can export your Goodreads profile and upload it to Storygraph so you still have your whole reading history. It’s not linked to Amazon (which Goodreads is) and was founded by a book lover. I’m a big fan.

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I may need to move to Storygraph! It would take a great deal of self control to not EVER go peek at your GR reviews.

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Aug 17Liked by Abigail Mann

Oomph you've raised a really interesting point Abi! I think part of the transition from being a reader to a writer is recognising when a book has been created for a specific audience and appreciating the mastery and skill involved. It might not be your jam but you can admire the work through the lens of a particular genre, style, etc.

It's puzzling when writers leave negative reviews. Not only are you shooting yourself in the foot career-wise but imo you also risk showing people you're incapable of appreciating different forms of literature as a reader or a writer. But that's just me 🤷🏼‍♀️

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You’ve said it so well, Kirsten! This is exactly it! And if it’s a problem with craft that the reviewer has, I think it’s inevitable that people will expect that thing to feature flawlessly in the writer’s own fiction!

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You are five stars all the way Abigail…as a writer, as a mam, as a coach, as a friend, as a human! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟But I thoroughly agree with you….there are plenty of dicks - autocorrect just made this ducks 😂 …in this world & particularly in this writing industry. I totally agree with you, it will come full circle, no move that undermines goes unnoticed…but thankfully there are so many good eggs that outnumber the ducks 😂😂 keep being your magic self xx onwards we go - more eggs than ducks hopefully 😂😂

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There are definitely more than enough good eggs to counter the bad! The writing life feels like living as the sole occupier of an island until you realise that there are others there and you’ve got a better chance of working together!

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I so agree with all of this. From Goodreads to only leaving 5 star reviews. Yes. Thank you for saying this. I still believe in the old fashioned idea in this regard that if you have nothing good to say then don't say it. Reviewers these days seem to have a tough time knowing the difference between commenting on whether the book met its brief, and personal taste. I see so much 'opinion' and it's just useless. We're in circle together, I wish we would act like it.

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You’re absolutely right - the only reason I can think why someone would write and yet still do this is down to their work not being widely circulated - they can’t have felt the burn themselves!

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Aug 14Liked by Abigail Mann

I find this so interesting as an author with my debut book about to be launched into the world. I haven’t even begun to process how I will manage reviews, criticism, trolling or anything that may come at me. Like you, I only share positive reviews. I know how damn hard it is to write a book so I hold a base respect for any author, whether or not I like their work. If I read something I don’t like, I don’t review it. Simple. I do not feel the need to bring other authors down. If I like something, I’ll shout it from the rooftops because we really are all in this together, and good books should be celebrated by the community of writers ❤️

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Congratulations on your debut! If it’s anything like my experience was, it’s extremely nerve wracking and exciting and daunting - all the feelings! If you have an agent or a trusted friend, I’d recommend getting them to forward you the best reviews so you don’t have to look yourself - it’s a great safety net!

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Great article, the same applies also to more experienced writers too. I’ve also tried to keep an open mind on things which is the best way and enjoy the experience, enjoy chatting to people and most just enjoy writing.

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I agree. I always try and think of something positive in books I'm asked to review. There's always - or usually - something good to say!

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