CONGRATULATIONS! I loved all of this post, but this in particular struck me: They say it takes eighteen months for your organs to drift back into place after giving birth, and it has taken eighteen months for my words to slot back together as well.

WOWOWOW! ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก

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Thank you Lauren! I feel like I battled with myself for so long when little one was born, that I wasn't getting stuff out and down in the same way as before. I don't know whether my brain chemistry was altered or something, but something gradually changed and I feel like I'm Abigail the Writer 2.0 now??

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So amazing! I love this!

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"They say it takes eighteen months for your organs to drift back into place after giving birth, and it has taken eighteen months for my words to slot back together as well." this line stopped me in my tracks, there's something so poignant in that connection.

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The connection is very real, I felt it with such clarity. Itโ€™s a constant string pulled taut and slackened off, but I donโ€™t feel like Iโ€™m battling with myself over where my time and priorities are anymore, if that makes sense? Things have just done what they needed to do at the time it needed to happen.

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I love that idea of the string tightening and slackening and I particularly love the feeling that things take the time they need to take. I'm also excited to hear what is coming next as at when it's ready to be shared. Loved this post, thank you!

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Oh, they do. I feel like you know in your bones when you havenโ€™t let something marinade for long enough, donโ€™t you?

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I loved that line too.

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Abigail if you can start a novel and a baby at the same time you're a wonder. Then to finish the novel with one hand while holding a baby with the other is epic. BTW the novel might be done but the baby will take 18 years : )

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There were definitely moments of holding a baby in one hand and writing with the other, or clacking at the laptop whilst she slept on my chest! And haha, I have heard that, although my parents would say I took a lot longer than 18 years!

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Congratulations on an epic achievement all while raising a tiny human. Very glad you're back! X

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Thanks for bearing with me, Iโ€™m getting my feet back into the soil!

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Abi this was so exciting to read, especially: "I am on the cusp of what feels like a very pivotal point in my writing life, and possibly my career. " Bold and challenging - it's yours!

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Thank you KK! Iโ€™m shouting to the universe that Iโ€™m ready!

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Welcome back! Your post made me smile, which is lovely on yet another dull July day (weather wise).

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Dull July, I hear you! At least things are still fairly lush and green, but it would be nice for a little more sunshine!

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Yay!!! Saving to read later. Welcome back!!

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Thanks Claire! It's nice to be back!

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